Holy Wedding Photography Batman!
Published Saturday, March 6, 2010 by Nykie - Mistral Photography inTwo days, Two Weddings, my first time as lead photographer! I am shattered.
I took on these weddings knowing that I would have an excellent second shooter at my side and I advise anyone who is doing their first few weddings to do the same. I know I keep saying it Sam, but seriously - thank you so much Sam Hobson of Dancing Light Photography. www.dancinglightphoto.co.nz
Sam was not my assistant, she was my partner for the day and someone to lean on.
Here is my wee list of what I have learned in the last two day. There is a whole load more, but generally this is it....
I have learned....
1. A whole new respect for wedding photographers
2. I need to get REALLY REALLY REALLY good at using my equipment that it becomes second nature (I thought I was ok, but when the pressure it on, I wasn't ok)
3. I need to write spare copies of the group shot lists so I can cajole people too
4. Its better to flag the last shot at the hotel so I don't nearly kill myself getting to the reception so I can be in front of the wedding vehicles. I apologise to the residents of west auckland for my STOOPID Dukes of Hazard moves along West Coast Road!
5. Flash photography is going to be my friend and not to be so scared of it.
6. The value of a second shooter is massive
7. That my camera although good, could do with an upgrade for better ISO options.
8. The need to change my shooting style and let my camera do more work for focussing so I can speed up
9. That there is no "warming up" on a wedding creative shoot... speak up, get into it
10. Brides can be your best friend or not realllly share your vision on the day and to suck it up, do your best, and keep them happy!
11. That mental and physical exhaustion all rolled into one is well, exhausting!
12. That I have loads and loads of learning to do and to let it humble me, not scare me away
13. And not to forget to take the step ladder on the creative! and to use it more!
14. To have fun!, but be a little more assertive and ask even more questions so I know my bride is telling me EVERYTHING
15. TV Directors are in it for themselves <----- polite version.
[one of my weddings was being film for TV, and well, thats a whole new blog post]
16. Long Lenses will be my friend when I can afford one. Saving for a 85mm prime first
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